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Goat Anti-Mouse IgM  antibody (bs-0368G-HRP)
訂購QQ:  400-901-9800
說明書: 100ul  1ml  
產(chǎn)品編號(hào) bs-0368G-HRP
英文名稱 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM  antibody
中文名稱 辣根過氧化物酶標(biāo)記的羊抗小鼠IgM
別    名 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (HRP); Immunoglobulin M;   
Specific References  (26)     |     bs-0368G-HRP has been referenced in 26 publications.
[IF=9.587] Luo, Lu. et al. Intermittent theta-burst stimulation improves motor function by inhibiting neuronal pyroptosis and regulating microglial polarization via TLR4/NFκB/NLRP3 signaling pathway in cerebral ischemic mice. J NEUROINFLAMM. 2022 Dec;19(1):1-27  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=8.713] Zong-Shin Lin. et al. EZH2/hSULF1 axis mediates receptor tyrosine kinase signaling to shape cartilage tumor progression. ELIFE. 2023 Jan  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=8.101] Jin Wang. et al. Irisin protects against sepsis-associated encephalopathy by suppressing ferroptosis via activation of the Nrf2/GPX4 signal axis. FREE RADICAL BIO MED. 2022 Jul;187:171  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=7.963] Xuebing Chen. et al. Chronic exposure to polyvinyl chloride microplastics induces liver injury and gut microbiota dysbiosis based on the integration of liver transcriptome profiles and full-length 16S rRNA sequencing data. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON. 2022 May;:155984  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=6.953] Zi Liang. et al. β-Arrestin 2 acts an adaptor protein that facilitates viral replication in silkworm. INT J BIOL MACROMOL. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022 May;208:1009  WB ;  Escherichia Coli,Bombyx.  
[IF=5.776] Jianqing Zhao. et al. A Novel Oral Rabies Vaccine Enhances the Immunogenicity through Increasing Dendritic Cells Activation and Germinal Center Formation by Expressing U-OMP19 in a Mouse Model. 2021 Apr 27  ELISA ;  Mouse.  
[IF=5.572] Xin Tang. et al. Phospholipase A2 induces acute kidney injury by complement mediated mitochondrial apoptosis via TNF-α/NF-κB signaling pathway. FOOD CHEM TOXICOL. 2022 Dec;:113591  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=5.44] Zhang, Xiaoru, et al. "Ultrasensitive Photoelectrochemical Immunoassay of Antibody against Tumor-associated Carbohydrate antigen Amplified by Functionalized Graphene Derivates and Enzymatic Biocatalytic Precipitation." Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2014).  other ;  Mouse.  
[IF=5.011] Qi Wang. et al. Syce1 and Syce3 regulate testosterone and dihydrotestosterone synthesis via steroidogenic pathways in mouse Sertoli and Leydig cells. J STEROID BIOCHEM. 2022 Oct;223:106135  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=4.784] Wei Qin. et al. CAF-derived exosomes transmitted Gremlin-1 promotes cancer progression and decreases the sensitivity of hepatoma cells to sorafenib. MOL CARCINOGEN. 2022 May 31  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=4.546] Gao Han. et al. A clinical experience-based Chinese herbal formula improves ethanol-induced drunken behavior and hepatic steatohepatitis in mice models. CHIN MED-UK. 2023 Dec;18(1):1-17  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=4.36] Peng Xi. et al. The mechanism of dioscin preventing lung cancer based on network pharmacology and experimental validation. J Ethnopharmacol. 2022 Mar;:115138  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=4.272] Hongge Wang. et al. Mechanism of Erastin-Induced Ferroptosis in MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer Cells: Evidence for a Critical Role of Protein Disulfide Isomerase | Molecular and Cellular Biology. MOL CELL BIOL. 2022 May;:  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=3.906] Peng Gu. et al. Suppression of CDCA3 inhibits prostate cancer progression via NF?κB/cyclin D1 signaling inactivation and p21 accumulation. Oncol Rep. 2022 Feb;47(2):1-10  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=3.813] Hongwei Duan. et al. Dihydrotestosterone regulates oestrogen secretion, oestrogen receptor expression, and apoptosis in granulosa cells during antral follicle development. J Steroid Biochem. 2021 Mar;207:105819  
[IF=3.683] Kexin Zhu. et al. Characterization and protective activity of monoclonal antibodies directed against Fe (3+) ABC transporter substrate-binding protein of Glaesserella parasuis. Vet Res. 2021 Dec;52(1):1-10  ELISA ;  Mouse.  
[IF=3.499] Ding J et al. The Effect of α-Synuclein and Tau in Methamphetamine Induced Neurotoxicity in Vivo and in Vitro. Toxicol Lett. 2020 Feb 1;319:213-224.  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=3.471] Lijun Zhang. et al. A Combinatorial Vaccine Containing Inactivated Bacterin and Subunits Provides Protection Against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Infection in Mice and Pigs. FRONT VET SCI. 2022; 9: 902497  ELISA ;  Mouse, Pig.  
[IF=3.412] Xusheng Du. et al. Marek's Disease Virus and Reticuloendotheliosis Virus Coinfection Enhances Viral Replication and Alters Cellular Protein Profiles. Front Vet Sci. 2022; 9: 854007  WB ;  Chicken.  
[IF=3.255] Hongwei Duan. et al. The effect of melatonin on sheep endometrial epithelial cell apoptosis through the receptor and non-receptor pathways. GEN COMP ENDOCR. 2022 Nov;:114182  WB ;  Sheep.  
[IF=2.63] Shou Di-Wen. et al. Panax notoginseng Alleviates Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury by Reducing Inflammation in Rats. EVID-BASED COMPL ALT. 2022;2022:9742169  WB ;  Rat.  
[IF=2.428] Yao Gao. et al. Melatonin attenuates hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by inhibiting NF-κB signaling pathway. Hepatob Pancreat Dis. 2021 Apr;:  WB ;  Rat.  
[IF=2.352] Weixu Feng. et al. Nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 is a potential target for developing new generation of vaccine. J CLIN LAB ANAL. 2022 May 09  WB,ELISA ;  Mouse.  
[IF=2.214] Yue SU. et al. Exosomes derived from placental trophoblast cells regulate endometrial epithelial receptivity in dairy cows during pregnancy. 2021 Oct 22  WB ;  Human,Mouse.  
[IF=1.664] Peng et al. Overexpressing modified human TRβ1 suppresses the proliferation of breast cancer MDA-MB-468 cells. (2018) Oncol.Lett. 16:785-792  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=1.41] Qiu H et al. Inhibition of endogenous hydrogen sulfide production exacerbates the inflammatory response during urine?derived sepsis?induced kidney injury. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2018.  WB ;  Mouse.  
抗體來源 Goat
克隆類型 Polyclonal
交叉反應(yīng) Mouse
產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用 WB=1:1000-10000,IHC-P=1:100-500,IHC-F=1:100-1000,ELISA=1:1000-10000
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
性    狀 Liquid
濃    度 2.0 mg/ml
免 疫 原 Native Mouse IgM 
亞    型 IgG
純化方法 affinity purified by Protein G
緩 沖 液 10 mM TBS (pH=7.4) with 1% BSA, 0.03% Proclin300 and 50% glycerol.
保存條件 Store at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
注意事項(xiàng) This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
產(chǎn)品介紹 Immunoglobulin M (IgM) normally constitutes about 10% of serum immunoglobulins. IgM antibody is prominent in early immune responses to most antigens and is largely confined to plasma due to it's large size. Monomeric IgM is expressed as a membrane bound antibody on the surface of B cells and as a pentamer when secreted by plasma cells. Due to it's high valency IgM is more efficient than other isotypes is binding antigens with repeating epitopes (virus particles and red blood cells) and is more efficient than IgG in activiating the complement pathway. The gene for the mu constant region contains four domains separated by short intervening sequences.

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