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Mouse Anti-Histone H3  antibody (bsm-33042M)
訂購(gòu)QQ:  400-901-9800
說(shuō)明書: 50ul  100ul  500ul

產(chǎn)品編號(hào) bsm-33042M
英文名稱 Mouse Anti-Histone H3  antibody
中文名稱 組蛋白H3(核內(nèi)參)單克隆抗體
別    名 H3 histone family member E pseudogene; H3 histone family, member A; H3/A; H31_HUMAN; H3F3; H3FA; Hist1h3a; HIST1H3B; HIST1H3C; HIST1H3D; HIST1H3E; HIST1H3F; HIST1H3G; HIST1H3H; HIST1H3I; HIST1H3J; HIST3H3; histone 1, H3a; Histone cluster 1, H3a; Histone H3 3 pseudogene; Histone H3.1; Histone H3/a; Histone H3/b; Histone H3/c; Histone H3/d; Histone H3/f; Histone H3/h; Histone H3/i; Histone H3/j; Histone H3/k; Histone H3/l; H3.1; H3/d; H3C1; H3C10; H3C11; H3C12; H3C2; H3C3; H3C4; H3C7; H3C8; H3FD;  Nuclear Loading Control;
Specific References  (9)     |     bsm-33042M has been referenced in 9 publications.
[IF=7.525] Chu Xuan. et al. DNMT3A R882H mutation drives daunorubicin resistance in acute myeloid leukemia via regulating NRF2/NQO1 pathway. CELL COMMUN SIGNAL. 2022 Dec;20(1):1-14  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=4.96]   WB ;  mouse.  
[IF=4.96] Lei Chen. et al. Perillaldehyde: A promising antifungal agent to treat oropharyngeal candidiasis. Biochem Pharmacol. 2020 Oct;180:114201  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=4.868] Zheng GH et al. Purple Sweet Potato Color Attenuates Kidney Damage by Blocking VEGFR2/ROS/NLRP3 Signaling in High-Fat Diet-Treated Mice. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019 Jan 22;2019:5189819.  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=3.53] Adil Hassan et al. Anti-atherosclerotic effects of Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 14917 in ApoE ?/? mice through modulation of proinflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2020 Jul;104(14):6337-6350.  WB ;  Mouse.  
[IF=2.35] Tian, Yue, et al. "Minocycline attenuates sevoflurane-induced cell injury via activation of Nrf2." International Journal of Molecular Medicine.  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=2.1] Qing Shu. et al. Mechanisms by which electroacupuncture?mediated histone acetylation mitigates bone loss in rats with ovariectomy?induced osteoporosis. Mol Med Rep. 2020 Oct;22(4):3453-3463  IF ;  Rat.  
[IF=1.26] Zhao et al. Unfractionated heparin protects the protein C system against lipopolysaccharide-induced damagein vivoandin vitro. (2017) Exp.Ther.Med. 14:5515-5522  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=1.2] Zhao, Dongmei, et al. "Unfractionated heparin protects the protein C system against lipopolysaccharide?induced damage in vivo and in vitro." Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.  WB ;  Human.  
產(chǎn)品類型 內(nèi)參抗體 
研究領(lǐng)域 細(xì)胞生物  免疫學(xué)  細(xì)胞周期蛋白  細(xì)胞類型標(biāo)志物  
抗體來(lái)源 Mouse
克隆類型 Monoclonal
克 隆 號(hào) 3G1
交叉反應(yīng) Human,Mouse,Rat,Hamster (predicted: Bee)
產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用 WB=1:10000-50000,IHC-P=1:100-500,IHC-F=1:100-500,IF=1:100-500
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
理論分子量 15kDa
細(xì)胞定位 細(xì)胞核 
性    狀 Liquid
濃    度 1mg/ml
免 疫 原 KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human Histone H3 
亞    型 IgG
純化方法 affinity purified by Protein G
緩 沖 液 0.01M TBS (pH7.4) with 1% BSA, 0.02% Proclin300 and 50% Glycerol.
保存條件 Shipped at 4℃. Store at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
注意事項(xiàng) This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
PubMed PubMed
產(chǎn)品介紹 Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Nucleosomes consist of approximately 146 bp of DNA wrapped around a histone octamer composed of pairs of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). The chromatin fiber is further compacted through the interaction of a linker histone, H1, with the DNA between the nucleosomes to form higher order chromatin structures. This gene is intronless and encodes a replication-dependent histone that is a member of the histone H3 family. Transcripts from this gene lack polyA tails; instead, they contain a palindromic termination element. This gene is located separately from the other H3 genes that are in the histone gene cluster on chromosome 6p22-p21.3. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2015]

Core component of nucleosome. Nucleosomes wrap and compact DNA into chromatin, limiting DNA accessibility to the cellular machineries which require DNA as a template. Histones thereby play a central role in transcription regulation, DNA repair, DNA replication and chromosomal stability. DNA accessibility is regulated via a complex set of post-translational modifications of histones, also called histone code, and nucleosome remodeling.

The nucleosome is a histone octamer containing two molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 assembled in one H3-H4 heterotetramer and two H2A-H2B heterodimers. The octamer wraps approximately 147 bp of DNA.

Subcellular Location:
Nucleus; Chromosome

Tissue Specificity:
Expressed in testicular cells.Expressed during S phase, then expression strongly decreases as cell division slows down during the process of differentiation.

Post-translational modifications:
Acetylation is generally linked to gene activation. Acetylation on Lys-10 (H3K9ac) impairs methylation at Arg-9 (H3R8me2s). Acetylation on Lys-19 (H3K18ac) and Lys-24 (H3K24ac) favors methylation at Arg-18 (H3R17me). Acetylation at Lys-123 (H3K122ac) by EP300/p300 plays a central role in chromatin structure: localizes at the surface of the histone octamer and stimulates transcription, possibly by promoting nucleosome instability (By similarity).
Citrullination at Arg-9 (H3R8ci) and/or Arg-18 (H3R17ci) by PADI4 impairs methylation and represses transcription.
Asymmetric dimethylation at Arg-18 (H3R17me2a) by CARM1 is linked to gene activation. Symmetric dimethylation at Arg-9 (H3R8me2s) by PRMT5 is linked to gene repression. Asymmetric dimethylation at Arg-3 (H3R2me2a) by PRMT6 is linked to gene repression and is mutually exclusive with H3 Lys-5 methylation (H3K4me2 and H3K4me3). H3R2me2a is present at the 3' of genes regardless of their transcription state and is enriched on inactive promoters, while it is absent on active promoters (By similarity).
Methylation at Lys-5 (H3K4me), Lys-37 (H3K36me) and Lys-80 (H3K79me) are linked to gene activation. Methylation at Lys-5 (H3K4me) facilitates subsequent acetylation of H3 and H4. Methylation at Lys-80 (H3K79me) is associated with DNA double-strand break (DSB) responses and is a specific target for TP53BP1. Methylation at Lys-10 (H3K9me) and Lys-28 (H3K27me) are linked to gene repression. Methylation at Lys-10 (H3K9me) is a specific target for HP1 proteins (CBX1, CBX3 and CBX5) and prevents subsequent phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph) and acetylation of H3 and H4. Methylation at Lys-5 (H3K4me) and Lys-80 (H3K79me) require preliminary monoubiquitination of H2B at 'Lys-120'. Methylation at Lys-10 (H3K9me) and Lys-28 (H3K27me) are enriched in inactive X chromosome chromatin. Monomethylation at Lys-57 (H3K56me1) by EHMT2/G9A in G1 phase promotes interaction with PCNA and is required for DNA replication (By similarity).
Phosphorylated at Thr-4 (H3T3ph) by GSG2/haspin during prophase and dephosphorylated during anaphase. Phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph) by AURKB is crucial for chromosome condensation and cell-cycle progression during mitosis and meiosis. In addition phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph) by RPS6KA4 and RPS6KA5 is important during interphase because it enables the transcription of genes following external stimulation, like mitogens, stress, growth factors or UV irradiation and result in the activation of genes, such as c-fos and c-jun. Phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph), which is linked to gene activation, prevents methylation at Lys-10 (H3K9me) but facilitates acetylation of H3 and H4. Phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph) by AURKB mediates the dissociation of HP1 proteins (CBX1, CBX3 and CBX5) from heterochromatin. Phosphorylation at Ser-11 (H3S10ph) is also an essential regulatory mechanism for neoplastic cell transformation. Phosphorylated at Ser-29 (H3S28ph) by MLTK isoform 1, RPS6KA5 or AURKB during mitosis or upon ultraviolet B irradiation. Phosphorylation at Thr-7 (H3T6ph) by PRKCB is a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional activation that prevents demethylation of Lys-5 (H3K4me) by LSD1/KDM1A. At centromeres, specifically phosphorylated at Thr-12 (H3T11ph) from prophase to early anaphase, by DAPK3 and PKN1. Phosphorylation at Thr-12 (H3T11ph) by PKN1 is a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional activation that promotes demethylation of Lys-10 (H3K9me) by KDM4C/JMJD2C. Phosphorylation at Tyr-42 (H3Y41ph) by JAK2 promotes exclusion of CBX5 (HP1 alpha) from chromatin (By similarity).
Lysine deamination at Lys-5 (H3K4all) to form allysine is mediated by LOXL2. Allysine formation by LOXL2 only takes place on H3K4me3 and results in gene repression.

Belongs to the histone H3 family.


Gene ID:

Database links:

Entrez Gene: 8350 Human

Entrez Gene: 8351 Human

Entrez Gene: 8352 Human

Entrez Gene: 8353 Human

Entrez Gene: 8354 Human

Entrez Gene: 8355 Human

Entrez Gene: 8356 Human

Entrez Gene: 8357 Human

Entrez Gene: 8358 Human

Entrez Gene: 8968 Human

Entrez Gene: 260423 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319148 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319149 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319150 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319151 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319152 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 319153 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 360198 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 97908 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 100364501 Rat

Entrez Gene: 100365669 Rat

Entrez Gene: 291159 Rat

Entrez Gene: 314977 Rat

Entrez Gene: 364716 Rat

Entrez Gene: 679950 Rat

Entrez Gene: 679994 Rat

Entrez Gene: 680511 Rat

Entrez Gene: 680599 Rat

Entrez Gene: 682330 Rat

Entrez Gene: 691496 Rat

SwissProt: P68431 Human

SwissProt: P84243 Human

SwissProt: Q16695 Human

SwissProt: Q6NXT2 Human

SwissProt: Q71DI3 Human

SwissProt: P68433 Mouse

SwissProt: P84228 Mouse

SwissProt: Q6LED0 Rat

Various lysates were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by WB with bsm-33042M (Anti-Histone H3) at dilution of 1:20000 incubated at 4℃ overnight.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (Human kidney); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (human colon); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (human gastric carcinoma); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (rat brain); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (Mouse brain); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (human brain); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (rat testis); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (mouse liver); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (Human mammary gland); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (rat pancreas); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 HIST3H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C, followed by operating according to SP Kit(Mouse)(sp-0024) instructionsand DAB staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (Rat colon); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Block endogenous peroxidase by 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3/HIST3H3) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:400 overnight at 4°C, followed by a conjugated secondary antibody (bs-0296G-cy3) for 90 minutes, and DAPI for nuclei staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (mouse testis); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M ) at 1:300 overnight at 4°C, followed by a conjugated Goat Anti- Mouse IgG antibody (YF488) for 90 minutes, and DAPI for nuclei staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded (rat testis); Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15min; Blocking buffer (normal goat serum) at 37°C for 30min; Antibody incubation with (Histone H3 (Nuclear Loading Control)) Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M ) at 1:500 overnight at 4°C, followed by a conjugated Goat Anti- Mouse IgG antibody (YF488) for 90 minutes, and DAPI for nuclei staining.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin embedded Human Colon; Antigen retrieval by boiling in sodium citrate buffer (pH6.0) for 15 min; Antibody incubation with Histone H3 Monoclonal Antibody, Unconjugated (bsm-33042M) at 1:200 overnight at 4°C. Followed by conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG antibody (Red, bs-0296G-Cy5), DAPI (blue, C02-04002) was used to stain the cell nuclei.
版權(quán)所有 2004-2026 www.www.hebaili.cn 北京博奧森生物技術(shù)有限公司
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